Sam Saadet

Sam Saadet is one of the 18 contestants looking to win a six-figure investment from Lord Alan Sugar in this year’s series of The Apprentice.

But who is the business owner and what is her entrepreneurial background?

Who is Sam Saader?

Sam Saadet is 33 years old and comes from Essex.

Described by her friends as a “wheeler dealer” and given the affectionate nickname “Del Boy”, The Apprentice candidate owns her own business as an online fitness coach.

The Mummy Movement is an online business aimed at helping women keep fit during and after their pregnancy.

Saadet said she wanted to run a company which “truly helps others” and was inspired to start The Mummy Movement after her own experiences of being pregnant.


On the description of her website, she says: “A mum of 2 young gorgeous girls, I created The Mummy Movement after feeling great keeping fit during both my pregnancies and then fitting it in around busy mum life but most importantly, to get a bit of ‘me’ back.

“As a trained pre and postnatal fitness coach on top of being a mum, I help mamas and mamas-to-be to be the best version of themselves every day.”

While her LinkedIn profile doesn’t suggest that Saadet has set up any other businesses previously, she has hinted that she has former experience in setting up a company.

When asked ahead of The Apprentice what her biggest business fail was, the 33-year-old said: “I don’t consider any of my previous business ventures a failure, as they have all taught me something and helped me to create a more successful one.”

Saadet says that she believes she deserves to win the £250,000 business investment from Lord Sugar because: “I am one of the savviest, go-getting women I know”.

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